It has been brewing for a while, the unsettled feeling inside that is asking for something to leave, to change, to be different.
I can normally find someway to alieviate the itch, a new idea, or offering to my community but on this ocassion it was having none of it. It wanted to sit in the abyss, to sink deeply into the soul seat and taste the essence of who I am.
Recently, I started working with an NLP Kinesiologist and she began to clear files from my brain and open up space for something new to emerge. The funny thing is that after I returned from our trip to the UK this year, I started to clear out the house, as if I already knew what was coming.
Of course I didn't predict that it would be quite so quick or life changing, but it has been.
In the last few days I have decided to close my business down at the end of December for the forseable future. I shall stop all private sessions, and all my readings and sharings on social media. I will step away from social media and take some time away to just be with me.
I have no idea what will emerge, and if I will share it, or what parts of me will die away and what parts will be activated, but all I know is that this is what needs to happen.
I have built up a beautiful community on my socials, lovely people who I have met in person and others who I hope I will meet one day. It has been one of my most treasured experiences and I shall miss the connections I have made.
In the meantime if you want to purchase a reading then do so before the end of December. However you will need to book the session before the end of January 2025.
My shop will continue to remain open for anyone wanting to purchase my deck or recipe book
Thank you to everyone who has supported my tiny heart-centred business. I am deeply grateful.
Be kind to yourself always,
Much love,
Jen xx

Hi Jen, well done in your deep listening and for your kind and positive connection and sharing to so many. May you emerge just the way you need to ... with so much love for you, as always, Susan (Findhorn) xxx